Wednesday 14 July 2010

A whole new world... with men on bicycles playing guitars

So, I have decided to start a blog...
I'm not sure as yet what I will "blog" about or indeed if anyone will actually find it interesting... or read it at all. Therefore if you're reading this (unless you're me... which you're probably not) then HELLO!

This blog will most likely be an occasional dive into things that I think are odd or interesting, or things that make me think... This blog is also an attempt to amuse myself, and hopefully you can find it amusing too.

An example:
Yesterday while at the train station I saw a man on a bike wearing a guitar. Obviously that's not a particularly interesting observation, and if I were a proper blogger I'd probably be able to get a good 3 or 4 paragraphs out of that observation.

I hope you're still with me and will subscribe!